- Yeo, I-C and Devarenne, TP (2020) Screening for potential nuclear substrates for the plant cell death suppressor kinase Adi3 using peptide microarrays. PLoS ONE 15:e0234011.
- Hsu S-C, Browne DR, Tatli M, Devarenne TP, Stern DB (2019) N-terminal sequences affect expression of triterpene biosynthesis enzymes in Chlamydomonas chloroplasts. Algal Research 44:101662.
- Su D, Devarenne TP (2018) In vitro activity characterization of the tomato SnRK1 complex proteins. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta – Proteins & Proteomics. 1866:857-864
Kim HS, Devarenne TP, Han A (2018) Microfluidic systems for microalgal biotechnology: A review. Algal Research. 30:149-161.
Tatli M, Ishihara M, Heiss C, Browne DR, Dangott LJ, Vitha S, Azadi P, Devarenne TP (2018) Polysaccharide associated protein (PSAP) from the green microalga Botryococcus braunii is a unique extracellular matrix hydroxyproline-rich glycoprotein. Algal Research 29:92-103. Supplemental Figures.
Kim HS, Hsu S-C, Han S-I, Thapa HR, Guzman AR, Browne DR, Tatli M, Devarenne TP, Stern DB, Han A (2017) High-throughput droplet microfluidics screening platform for selecting fast-growing and high lipid-producing microalgae from a mutant library. Plant Direct 00:1-13. DOI: 10.1002/pld3.11. Supplemental Figures.
Thapa HR, Su T, Sacchettini JC, Devarenne TP (2017) Tetraterpene synthase substrate and product specificity in the green microalga Botryococcus braunii race L. ACS Chemical Biology. 12:2408-2416.
Lozoya-Gloria E, Cornejo-Corona I, Thapa HR, Browne DR, Devarenne TP (2017) ROS detection in Botryococcus braunii colonies with CellROX Green reagent. BioProtocol 7:e2508.
Tatli M, Chun HJ, Camp Jr. CH, Li J, Cicerone MT, Shih W-C, Laane J, Devarenne TP (2017) Raman spectra and DFT calculations for botryococcene and methylsqualene hydrocarbons from the B race of the green microalga Botryococcus braunii. Journal of Molecular Structure 1147:427-437.
- Browne DR, Jenkins J, Schmutz J, Shu S, Barry K, Grimwood J, Chiniquy J, Sharma A, Niehaus TD, Weiss TL, Koppisch AT, Fox DT, Dhungana S, Okada S, Chappel J, Devarenne TP (2017) Draft nuclear genome sequence of the liquid hydrocarbon accumulating green microalga Botryococcus braunii, race B (Showa). Genome Announcements 5:e00215-17.
- Tatli M, Naik MT, Okada S, Dangott LJ, Devarenne TP (2017) Isolation and characterization of cyclic C33 botryococcenes and a trimethylsqualene isomer from Botryococcus braunii race B. Journal of Natural Products 80:953-958. Supplemental Figures.
Kim HS, Waqued S, Nodurft D, Devarenne TP, Yakovlev V, Han A (2017) Raman spectroscopy compatible PDMS droplet microfluidic culture and analysis platform towards on-chip lipidomics. Analyst 142:1054-1060. Supplemental Figures.
- Unkefer CJ, Sayre RT, Magnuson JK, Anderson DB, Baxter I, Blaby IK, Brown JK, Carleton M, Cattolico RA, Dale T, Devarenne TP, Downes CM, Dutcher SK, Fox DT, Goodenough U, Jaworski J, Holladay JE, Kramer DM, Koppisch AT, Lipton MS, Marrone BL, McCormick M, Molnár I, Mott JB, Ogden KL, Panisko EA, Pellegrini M, Polle J, Richardson JW, Sabarsky M, Starkenburg SR, Stormo GD, Teshima M, Twary SN, Unkefer PJ, Yuan JS, Olivares JA (2017) Review of the algal biology program within the National Alliance for Advanced Biofuels and Bioproducts. Algal Research. 22:187-215.
- Chun HJ, Waqued S, Thapa HR, Han A, Yakovlev V, Laane J, Devarenne TP (2017) Raman spectra and DFT calculations for tetraterpene hydrocarbons from the L race of the green microalga Botryococcus braunii. Journal of Molecular Structure. 1129:216-221.
Cornejo-Corona I, Thapa HR, Browne DR, Devarenne TP, Lozoya-Gloria E (2016) Stress responses of the oil-producing green microalga Botryococcus braunii Race B. PeerJ. 4:e2748.
Thapa HR, Naik MT, Okada S, Takada K, Molnar I, Xu Y, Devarenne TP (2016) A squalene synthase-like enzyme initiates production of tetraterpenoid hydrocarbons in Botryococcus braunii Race L. Nature Communications. 7:11198.
- Miao M, Niu X, Kud J, Du X, Avila J, Devarenne TP, Kuhl J, Liu Y, Xiao F. (2016) The ubiquitin ligase SEVEN IN ABSENTIA (SINA) ubiquitinates a defense-related NAC transcription factor and is involved in defense signaling. New Phytologist. 211:138-148. Supplemental Figures.
- Kim HS, Guzman AR, Thapa HR, Devarenne TP, Han A (2016) A droplet microfluidics platform for rapid microalgal growth and oil production analysis. Biotechnology & Bioengineering. 113:1691-1701. Selected for journal cover image.
- Klionsky et al. (2016) Guidelines for the use and interpretation of assays for monitoring autophagy. Autophagy. 12:1-222.
- Kim HS, Devarenne TP, Han A (2015) A high-throughput microfluidic single-cell screening platform capable of selective cell extraction. Lab on a Chip. 15:2467-2475.
Deng L, Senseman SA, Gentry TJ, Zuberer DA, Camargo ER, Weiss TL, Devarenne TP (2015) Effect of selected herbicides on growth and lipid content of Nannochloris oculata. Journal of Aquatic Plant Management. 53:28-35.
Cornejo-Corona I, Thapa HR, Devarenne TP, Lozoya-Gloria E (2015) The biofuel potential of the green colonial microalga Botryococcus braunii. In: Microalgae and other phototrophic bacteria: Culture, processing, recovery and new products. Ed: Torres-Bustillos, L.G., Nova Science Publishers Inc., Hauppauge, NY. pp. 41-58. ISBN 978-1-63482-078-3.
- Ek-Ramos MJ, Avila J, Nelson Dittrich AC, Su D, Gray JW, Devarenne TP (2014) The tomato cell death suppressor Adi3 is restricted to the endosomal system in response to the Pseudomonas syringae effector protein AvrPto. PLoS One. 9:e110807.
Kim HS, Weiss TL, Thapa HR, Devarenne TP, Han A (2014) A microfluidic photobioreactor array demonstrating high-throughput screening for microalgal oil production. Lab on a Chip. 14:1415-1425. Selected for journal cover image.
- Gray JW, Nelson Dittrich AC, Chen S, Avila J, Giavalisco P, Devarenne TP (2013) Two Pdk1 phosphorylation sites on the plant cell death suppressor Adi3 contribute to substrate phosphorylation. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta – Proteins & Proteomics. 1834:1099-1106.
- Avila J and Devarenne TP (2013) Ubiquitination of the tomato cell death suppressor Adi3 by the RING E3 Ubiquitin Ligase AdBiL. Biochemical & Biophysical Research Communications. 430:119-124.
- Chun HJ, Weiss TL, Devarenne TP, Laane J (2013) Vibrational spectra and DFT calculations of squalene. Journal of Molecular Structure. 1032:203-206.
Weiss TL, Roth R, Goodson C, Vitha S, Black I, Azadi P, Rusch J, Holzenburg A, Devarenne TP, Goodenough U (2012) Colony organization in the green alga Botryococcus braunii (race B) is specified by a complex extracellular matrix. Eukaryotic Cell. 11:1424-1440. Selected for journal cover image.
- Molnár I, Lopez D, Wisecaver JH, Devarenne TP, Weiss TL, Pellegrini M, Hackett JD (2012) Bio-crude transcriptomics: Gene discovery and metabolic network reconstruction for the biosynthesis of the terpenome of the hydrocarbon oil-producing green alga, Botryococcus braunii race B (Showa). BMC Genomics. 13:576.
- Avila J, Gregory OG, Su D, Deeter TA, Chen S, Silva-Sanchez C, Xu S, Martin GB, Devarenne TP (2012) The ß-subunit of the SnRK1 complex is phosphorylated by the plant cell death suppressor Adi3. Plant Physiology. 159:1277-1290.
- Nelson Dittrich AC, Devarenne TP (2012) Perspectives in PDK1 evolution: Insights from photosynthetic and non-photosynthetic organisms. Plant Signaling & Behavior. 7:642-649.
- Deng L, Senseman SA, Gentry TJ, Zuberer DA, Weiss TL, Devarenne TP, Camargo ER (2012) Effect of selected herbicides on growth and hydrocarbon content of Botryococcus braunii (race B). Industrial Crops & Products. 39:154-161.
- Niehaus TD, Kinison S, Okada S, Yo Y-S, Bell SA, Cui P, Devarenne TP, Chappell J. (2012) Functional Identification of triterpene methyltransferases from Botryococcus braunii, race B. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 287:8163-8173.
- Neslon Dittrich AC, Devarenne TP (2012) Characterization of a PDK1 homologue from the moss Physcomitrella patens. Plant Physiology. 158:1018-1033.
- Nelson Dittrich AC, Devarenne TP (2012) An ATP analog-sensitive version of the tomato cell death suppressor protein kinase Adi3 for use in substrate identification. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta – Proteins & Proteomics. 1824:269-273.
- Weiss TL, Johnston SJ, Fujisawa K, Okada S Devarenne TP (2011) Genome size and phylogenetic analysis of the A and L races of Botryococcus braunii. Journal of Applied Phycology. 23:833-839.
- Devarenne TP (2011) The plant cell death suppressor Adi3 interacts with the autophagic protein Atg8h. Biochemical & Biophysical Research Communications. 412:699-703.
- Niehaus TD, Okada S, Devarenne TP, Watt DS, Sviripa V, Chappell J (2011) Identification of unique mechanisms for triterpene biosynthesis in Botryococcus braunii. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA. 108:12260-12265.
- Lu D, Lin W, Gao X, Wu S, Cheng C, Avila J, Heese A, Devarenne TP, He P & Shan L (2011) Direct ubiquitination of pattern recognition receptor FLS2 attenuates plant innate immunity. Science. 332:1439-42.
- Weiss TL, Chun HJ, Okada S, Vitha S, Holzenburg A, Laane J, Devarenne TP (2010) Raman spectroscopy analysis of botryococcene hydrocarbons from the green microalga Botryococcus braunii. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 285:32458-32466.
- Ek-Ramos MJ, Avila J, Cheng C, Martin GB & Devarenne TP (2010) The T-loop extension of the tomato protein kinase AvrPto-dependent Pto-interacting protein 3 (Adi3) directs nuclear localization for suppression of plant cell death. Journal of Biological Chemistry. 285:17584-94.
- Weiss TL, Johnston SJ, Fujisawa K, Sumimoto K, Okada S, Chapell J, Devarenne TP (2010) Phylogenetic placement, genome size, and GC conentent of the liquid-hydrocarbon-producing green microalga Botryococcus braunii strain Berkeley (Showa)(Chlorophyta). Journal of Phycology. 46:534-540.
- Devarenne TP (2009) Terpenoids: Higher. In: Encyclopedia of Life Sciences (ELS). John Wiley & Sons, Ltd: Chichester.
- Devarenne TP & Martin GB (2007) Manipulation of plant programmed cell death pathways during plant-pathogen interactions. Plant Signaling & Behavior. 2:188-9.
- Devarenne TP, Ekengren SK, Pedley KF & Martin GB (2006) Adi3 is a Pdk1-interacting AGC kinase that negatively regulates plant cell death. EMBO Journal. 25:255-65.
- Okada S, Devarenne TP, Murakami M, Abe H, Chappell J (2004) Characterization of botryococcene synthase enzyme activity, a squalene synthase-like activity from the green microalgae Botryococcus braunii, race B. Archives of Biochemistry & Biophysics. 422:110-118.
- Devarenne TP, Ghosh A, Chappell J (2002) Regulation of tobacco squalene synthase; a key enzyme in sterol biosynthesis. Plant Physiology. 129:1095-1106.
- Devarenne TP, Riely BK, Lin N-C, Kim Y-J, Cohn J, Mysore K, Charkravarthy S, Bogdanove AJ, D’Ascenzo M, Debbie P, uTori B, Martine GB (2002) Recognition of Pseudomonas effector proteins by tomato and profiling of plant gene expression changes that occur during plant-pathogen interactions. Biology of Plant-Microbe Interactions, Volume 3, Eds: S.A. Leong, C. Allen, and E.W. Triplett. International Society for Molecular Plant – Microbe Interactions. St. Paul, MN.
- Okada S, Devarenne TP, Chappell J (2000) Molecular characterization of squalene synthase from the green microalgae Botryococcus braunii, race B. Archives of Biochemistry & Biophysics. 373:307-17.
- Thai L, Rush JS, Maul JE, Devarenne TP, Rodgers DL, Chappell J, Waechter CJ (1999) Farnesol is utilized for isoprenoid biosynthesis in plant cells via farnesyl diphosphate formed by successive monophosphorylation reactions. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA. 96:13080-13085.
- Godoy-Hernández G, Chappell J, Devarenne TP, García-Pineda E, Guevara-García AA, Lozoya-Gloria E, (1998) Antisense expression of hmg1 from Arabidopsis thaliana encoding 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase, reduces isoprenoid production in transgenic tobacco plants. Journal of Plant Physiology. 153:415-424.
- Devarenne TP, Shin DH, Back K, Yin S, Chappell J (1998) Molecular characterization of tobacco squalene synthase and regulation in response to fungal elicitor. Archives of Biochemistry & Biophysics. 349:205-215.
- Dean JV, Devarenne TP (1997) Peroxidase-mediated conjugation of glutathione to unsaturated phenylpropanoids. Evidence against glutathione S-transferase involvement. Physiologia Plantarum. 99:271-278.
- Dean JV, Devarenne TP, Lee I-S, Orlofsky LE (1995) Properties of a Maize glutathione S-transferase that conjugates coumaric acid and other phenylpropanoids. Plant Physiology. 108:985-994.
- Devarenne TP, Michael BS, Adler JH (1995) Biosynthesis of ecdysteroids in Zea mays. Phytochemistry. 40:1125-1131.