(November 1, 2019-present)
Ivette was a graduate student at CINVESTAV-Irapuato in the lab of Edmundo Lozoya-Gloria. Ivette was in the lab during November and December 2012 to learn algal molecular biology and clone a gene related to programmed cell death from Botryococcus braunii.
Ivette came back to the lab in June, 2014 to carryout experiments directed at understanding the function of the DAD1 (Defender Against Apoptotic Cell Death) gene she cloned form B. braunii.
Ivette successfully defended her PhD in April 2017.
After finishing her PhD Ivette worked as a Research Associate at CIATEC, A.C. in León, México.
On November 1, 2018 Ivette rejoined the Devarenne Lab as a Postdoctoral Researcher. Her stay in the lab is supported by a postdoctoral fellowship from CONACYT, México’s science funding agency. Ivette will be working on the L race of B. braunii analyzing the reaction mechanism of the LOS enzyme.