Today the Devarenne Lab had a paper published in PLoS ONE that describes our efforts using peptide microarrays to identify phosphorylation substrates for Adi3. The study is part of former graduate student Incheol Yeo‘s thesis studies.
Plant and Algal Biochemistry, Department of Biochemistry & Biophysics, Texas A&M University
Tim Devarenne · ·
Today the Devarenne Lab had a paper published in PLoS ONE that describes our efforts using peptide microarrays to identify phosphorylation substrates for Adi3. The study is part of former graduate student Incheol Yeo‘s thesis studies.
Tim Devarenne · ·
On Saturday, March 7, 2020 the Devarenne Lab had a party at Tim’s house to celebrate the successful defense of Incheol. Lots of food and good drinks were had
Tim Devarenne · ·
On March 2, 2020 Devarenne Lab graduate student Incheol Yeo successfully defended his PhD thesis. Incheol’s studies focused on the regulation of Threonine Deaminase 2 during the resistance response of tomato to bacterial pathogens.
Tim Devarenne · ·
Today the Devarenne Lab had a new paper published in Algal Research. The paper is a collaboration with the lab of David Stern at the Boyce Thompson Institute and it describes our efforts to express the B. braunii race B hydrocarbon biosynthesis genes in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii
Tim Devarenne · ·
On September 28-28, 2019 Devarenne Lab Postdoctoral Researcher Ivette presented a poster on her work on the LOS enzyme at the A.I. Scott Symposium for Biological Chemistry. The symposium is held annually by the Texas A&M University Department of Chemistry.