On September 28-28, 2019 Devarenne Lab Postdoctoral Researcher Ivette presented a poster on her work on the LOS enzyme at the A.I. Scott Symposium for Biological Chemistry. The symposium is held annually by the Texas A&M University Department of Chemistry.
Ivette Presents Poster at First Texas Chemical Biology Conference
On May 24, 2019 Ivette attended the very first Texas Chemical Biology Conference, which was held on the Texas A&M Campus at the campus hotel and conference center. Ivette’s poster was about her project for a directed evolution analysis on the LOS enzyme from the L race of B. braunii.
Devarenne Lab Graduate Student Incheol Yeo Presents Current Studies at Plant Biology 2018
Eerlier this week the Devarenne Lab attended the annual ASPB Plant Biology Meeting held in Montreal, Canada. Graduate student Incheol Yeo presented his poster on the regulation of Threonine Deaminase 2 to control JA-Ile production in tomato in response to Pseudomonas syringae. See poster 1000-113 on the Plant Biology 2018 poster abstract page for more details.
Devarenne Lab Attending Plant Biology 2018 in Montreal
The Devarenne Lab will be attending the ASPB Plant Biology 2018 meeting in Montreal, July 14-18. Come see the poster of graduate student Incheol Yeo, poster # 1000-113, detailing his studies about the role of Threonine Deaminase 2 in the defense response of tomato against the bacterial pathogen Pseudomonas syringae.
Hem Thapa Gives Talk at ASPB Plant Biology 2016 Meeting
Devarenne Lab graduate student Hem Thapa gave a presentation today at the ASPB Plant Biology 2016 Meeting in Austin, TX. Hem’s talk was about his recent discovery of the LOS enzyme from the L race of B. braunii that was highlighted in his recent publication in Nature Communications.
Other Devarenne Lab members are also at the meeting including graduate students Mehmet Tatli (poster 500-070-Z), Dongyin Su (poster 500-022-Z), and Incheol Yeo (posters 1000-051-Z and 1000-052-Y), and undergraduate student Victoria Yell (poster 500-067-Z)